Tag Archives: experience

The cost of underselling

Some people who have worked with me or have a closer relationship with me will know that I have been working 18~24 hour days for the last few years. 8 of those hours have been at a full-time job, or doing freelance work while in class. Ever since I left school, it’s been 8 hours at a day job, with 10~16 hours of freelance right after.

During this time, I have had the fortune to establish great relationships with some great people. On a few occasions, these relationships have forced me to overcome my anxiety when it comes to public speaking, and have an audience of 200+ listen about my (boring) work and (faulty) advice. Yet somehow, the confidence I established by producing consistent and high quality results for clients have failed to shine through my interviews for full-time positions. I have been massively underselling myself. Continue reading