Tag Archives: business

Things you should know about freelancing

I’ve noticed that being a freelancer generally brings a lot of interest among friends, family, and acquaintances. There are a couple questions that I’ve been asked so frequently that I’ve decided to answer them in a blog post. Whether you are someone who has lots of experience in your field and want to break into freelancing, or if you or someone you know is looking to begin freelancing to start a career with little experience, I hope some of the things I’ve learned will help you.

“Where do you find clients (or how do I start finding my first clients)?”

The majority of my clients come from referrals. Previous clients usually have connections who are in similar fields of work, or are starting new businesses. If their experience with you has been good, they will not hesitate to refer you. This is why establishing a good relationship with my clients has been a big focus in my work.

If you are just starting out and do not have previous clients to work as referrals, start by letting people know you are looking for freelance work. I generally do not like taking close friends/family as clients, but these are the people most willing to vouch for you as a person and a professional if you do not have existing clients.  Continue reading

How a B- environment is created

After reading David of 37Signals’ post on B- environment merits B- effort, I’ve decided to use my morning commute to write about what I believe is a B- environment and how it came to be.

Recently, I had the opportunity of working in a B- environment and experiencing it first hand. Let’s start this environment off with a self-proclaimed “results-oriented” manager. What this implies is a manager that wants to deliver value to the business, while giving employees freedom over the details (design, implementation, etc). What it really means is “help me accomplish what I said I would so I get a good multiplier on my bonus.” Of course, no one can be blamed for wanting a fat paycheck. Which is why I need to explain, but later.

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How Windows7Center died

A few years ago (back in 2008), I started windows7center.com. A friend knew someone (let’s give him a fake name, John) who was looking to build a news site for Windows 7, and he referred John to me.

John already purchased the domain, along with hosting, but other than that, he had a very vague idea of how he was going to execute this idea. After all, he was a student pursuing business, and although he spent lots of time on the internet, John had never grown or developed a website. I worked with many clients who were either establishing, or established, and had a fair amount of experience growing forum communities. There wasn’t really a website dedicated to information and news on Windows 7 at that point, so our partnership began.

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